Curious to hear your thoughts. Is the technology heading towards Google's Graveyard or can they actually bring something of interest to the table?

vermorel Aug 22, 2022 | flag

Unfortunately, this article gives away very little about what Google may or may not do for supply chains. This article is written like a marketing piece. Nowadays, pretty much every single software company is using at least two cloud computing platforms to some extent. Thus, it's should be a surprise if a Software Company X that happens to do produce supply chain software runs on Cloud Platform Y. Yet, it this doesn't say why this cloud platform is better suited than its competitors.

The article puts forward Vertex AI, a recent ML offering of Google. However, as per the documentation of Google, it's state Pre-trained APIs for vision, video, natural language, and more which gives strong-vibes of being absolutely not the right quite of ML for supply chain. Furthermore, the AutoML (featured by Vertex AI) is also the sort of technology I would strongly recommend not using for supply chain purposes. It adds massive friction (compute costs, development times) for no clear upside in production.
