Hoehner Sep 07, 2022 | flag

Interesting, would be cool to have a collection of warehouse visits to give new professionals a better idea of what an actual warehouse looks like. I came across this one from Maersk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qhcheew5kxU&ab_channel=Maersk

dumay Sep 08, 2022 | flag

As it was suggested in https://news.lokad.com/posts/167/live-virtual-tours-of-amazon-fulfilment-centres, there is also the visit of Amazon warehouses in different countries

I tried visiting their American facilities, it was great!

vermorel Sep 07, 2022 | flag

The sheer scale of this piece of engineering is incredible. We are talking of a machine that is 400m x 100m x 12m big. The whole thing maximizes that can be done in terms of inventory storage and inventory throughput while taking advantage of every cubic meter that is available.