SkwamLok 10 months | flag | on: Dcoumentation Excel Format

The full excel format documentation is available here
Part 1
Section 18.8.31

SkwamLok Feb 02, 2024 | flag | on: Additional Infos on random.uniform

A scalar value within vector T.R =*) depends only on:
- the position of the function within the script (every call to a function contributes to the seed)
- The number of the lines within table T
- if it is within a loop (each, for...), the number of the iteration or the epoch


I had a look at your code.
First I created a Sku table that you can find in your CustomerName/clean/Sku.ion file. We will use this table as the item table as you want to compute things at Sku level and not Item level.
When I take the PurchaseOrders table, we want to do exactly the same thing, meaning create a Sku vector that is "MaterialSID x Location". The thing is that there are no location column in the PurchaseOrders table that indicate where the goods are received.

Once we have it, we will simply create a Sku vector in PurchaseOrders Table and then use the primary dimension [Sku] as the joint between the 2 tables Sku and PurchaseOrders

Best regards


It is indeed very common to have distinct supplier lead times depending on the location to be served.
The usual way to take the differences into account into your data is :
- Having a SKU table and not only Item table
- If you have a Purchase Orders history with relevant data, then you can simply create a joint between [PO.Sku] and [Sku.sku]. We would recommend to have a probabilistic supplier leadtime (use ranvar()). If not possible, then take avg

Hope it helps