remi-quentin_92 2 weeks ago | flag | on: Limit of exported files

As of July 2024, the limit of exported files is 200.

remi-quentin_92 5 months | flag | on: Langserv correction

Langserv may suggest to use join(T.A, G.S) instead of join(T.A; G.S). One must use a ; and not a coma.

remi-quentin_92 7 months | flag | on: Sliced markdown

"The markdown datatype is restricted to the Scalar table." is not valid anymore. You are now able to have sliced markdown tiles. You must however use Slices table.

remi-quentin_92 11 months | flag | on: Values of alpha parameter

The value of alpha in this example is very high. I would suggest to use a value close to 0.05 (depending on how much you want your sales are correlated).