3 points by Hoehner Sep 28, 2022 | flag | 1 comment
Hoehner Sep 28, 2022 | flag

A video explaining why this forum was launched.

While Reddit targets a young category of users and Wikipedia is bound to contain old and somewhat deprecated information, LinkedIn remains one of the only trustworthy source of information in the field, due to the experience of the professionals that are sharing their experiences. However, this information does not remain easily accessible after a while. Therefore, it would be interesting to have a place to discuss the specifics of the Supply Chain field.

For this purpose, Lokad has launched a new page called https://news.lokad.com/, an aggregator that consolidates interesting links to various Supply Chain topics and where the community can discuss and submit their own subjects. The final goal is to share links of interest for Supply Chain-minded people, giving them the chance to debate and contribute to further achievements in the field.