- Regular percentage with 2 digits: excelFormatPercent = "0.00%" - Percentage with 6 digits (for example: fillrate display): excelFormatFR = "0.000000%" - Percentage with 6 digits and plus sign for positive values (for example: fillrate increase display): excelFormatFRIncrease = "+0.000000%;-0.000000%;0%" - Price in dollars: excelFormatUSD = "[$$-409] #,##0.00" - Price in dollars (accounting): excelFormatAccountingUSD = "_-\[$$-409]* # ##0.00_ ;_-\[$$-409]* -# ##0.00\ ;_-\[$$-409]* -_ "
- Regular percentage with 2 digits: excelFormatPercent = "0.00%"
- Percentage with 6 digits (for example: fillrate display): excelFormatFR = "0.000000%"
- Percentage with 6 digits and plus sign for positive values (for example: fillrate increase display): excelFormatFRIncrease = "+0.000000%;-0.000000%;0%"
- Price in dollars: excelFormatUSD = "[$$-409] #,##0.00"
- Price in dollars (accounting): excelFormatAccountingUSD = "_-\[$$-409]* # ##0.00_ ;_-\[$$-409]* -# ##0.00\ ;_-\[$$-409]* -_ "