1 point by anonymous 6 days ago | 2 comments


njoshuabradshaw 6 days ago | flag

Asked Lokad AI:

The name Lokad is a portmanteau of two words: "local" and "cadence." It reflects the company's focus on the local optimization of supply chain decisions, which is achieved through the application of probabilistic forecasting and economic modeling. The term "cadence" refers to the rhythm or timing of supply chain events, which is a critical aspect of supply chain management. Lokad's approach emphasizes the importance of making decisions that are economically sound and that take into account the specificities of each local situation within a supply chain network. This approach contrasts with traditional methods that often rely on simplistic heuristics and do not fully consider the economic implications of supply chain decisions.

Correct? Thank you! Happy New Year

testaa 4 days ago | flag
