- Regular percentage with 2 digits: excelFormatPercent = "0.00%"
- Percentage with 6 digits (for example: fillrate display): excelFormatFR = "0.000000%"
- Percentage with 6 digits and plus sign for positive values (for example: fillrate increase display): excelFormatFRIncrease = "+0.000000%;-0.000000%;0%"
- Price in dollars: excelFormatUSD = "[$$-409] #,##0.00"
- Price in dollars (accounting): excelFormatAccountingUSD = "_-\[$$-409]* # ##0.00_ ;_-\[$$-409]* -# ##0.00\ ;_-\[$$-409]* -_ "
Sets the tooltip of the series (in the legend)
Available in (that I know of):
linechart > series
chart > block > plotxy > series
chart > block > plot > series
chart > block > scatter > series
Sets the tooltip of the series (in the legend)
*Available in (that I know of):*
linechart > series
chart > block > plotxy > series
chart > block > plot > series
chart > block > scatter > series
specifies the boolean rendering values for the boolean pipeline.
table T = with
[| as B |]
[| true |]
[| false |]
show table "" a1h3 with
T.B as "Ja/Nein" { booleans: "Ja/Nein" }
T.B as "Oui/Non" { booleans: "Oui/Non" }
T.B as "✔️/❌" { booleans: "✔️/❌" }
T.B as "True" { booleans: "True" }
T.B as "✔️" { booleans: "✔️" }
T.B as "Tru//e/N//A" { booleans: "Tru//e/N//A" }
T.B as "True///False" { booleans: "True///False" }
T.B as "True/False/Other" { booleans: "True/False/Other" }
As of 06/02/2024:
, Files.ContentChangeHour
and Files.ContentChangeMinute
represent the modify datetime (last date when the contents of the file were changed)
, Files.AnyChangeHour
and Files.AnyChangeMinute
represent the change datetime (last date when anything happened to the path, including moving or copying the file)
The former fields Files.ModifiedDate
, Files.ModifiedHour
and Files.ModifiedMinute
are equivalent to Files.AnyChangeDate
, Files.AnyChangeHour
and Files.AnyChangeMinute
and should be decommissioned soon.
As of 23/01/2024, filesUrl function is replaced by 2 functions:
/// Returns an URL for the file, identified by the hash, at the provided path in /files, and (if known at compile-time) remembers that said file is referenced by this script.
map fileUrl(hash: text, path: text) : text as "fileurl(txt,txt)"
/// Returns an URL for the folder at the provided path in /files, and (if known at compile-time) remembers that said folder is referenced by this script.
map folderUrl(path: text) : text as "folderurl(txt)"
/// Returns its argument as-is. If the path is known at compile-time and points to /files, remembers that said file is referenced by this script.
map downloadUrl(fullpath: text) : text as "downloadurl(txt)"
/// Returns an URL for the file with the provided hash, to be downloaded as the provided name.
map downloadUrl(hash: text, name: text) : text as "downloadurl(txt,txt)"
/// Returns an URL for the folder at the provided path in /files, and (if known at compile-time) remembers that said folder is referenced by this script.
map filesUrl(path: text) : text as "filesurl(txt)"
Other useful functions generating URLs are not listed in this documentation:
sliceUrl(slice: ordinal) -> text, pure function
Produces a link to the specified slice, in the current dashboard
sliceUrl(slice: ordinal, tab: text) -> text, pure function
Produces a link to the specified slice & tab, in the current dashboard
dashUrl() -> text, pure function
Produces an url towards the current project dashboard
dashUrl(tabSearch: text) -> text, pure function
Convert a tab name into an url to be used as a link to a specific dashboard tab in current project dashboard
dashUrl(project: number, tabSearch: text) -> text, pure function
Convert a project id and a tab name into an url to be used as a link to a specific dashboard tab
dashUrl(project: number) -> text, pure function
Convert a project id into an url to be used as a link to a dashboard
currentDashUrl() -> text, pure function
Produces an url towards the current run's dashboard.
"The returned text value that contains an URL can be rendered as a link through the StyleCode element {text: "link"}"
{text: link} is deprecated, {href: #(link)} or {href: #[T.Link]} should be used instead
sliceSearchUrl(sliceSearch: text) 🡒 text, pure function
Convert an inspector name search key into an url to be used as a link to a specific slice in current project dashboard
sliceSearchUrl(project: number, sliceSearch: text) 🡒 text, pure function
Convert a project id and an inspector name search key into an url to be used as a link to a specific dashboard slice
sliceSearchUrl(sliceSearch: text, tabSearch: text) 🡒 text, pure function
Convert an inspector name search key and a tab name into an url to be used as a link to a specific dashboard slice and tab in the current project dashboard
sliceSearchUrl(project: number, sliceSearch: text, tabSearch: text) 🡒 text, pure function
Convert a project id, an inspector name search key and a tab name into an url to be used as a link to a specific dashboard slice and tab
It is possible to have sanity checks in user defined functions and throw an error if the check is not passed.
Cf. https://docs.lokad.com/reference/abc/assertfail/
With the change of indentation handling, only one indentation is required (and necessary).
Code examples are right.
As of 24/09/2024, when indenting too much, we get an unclear compilation error in the IDE: "Found number/text/etc. but expected end-of-line.". In this case, reduce the number of indentations to 1 only.