marinedup 7 months | flag | on: Note on match syntax (indentation)

With the change of indentation handling, only one indentation is required (and necessary).
Code examples are right.
As of 24/09/2024, when indenting too much, we get an unclear compilation error in the IDE: "Found number/text/etc. but expected end-of-line.". In this case, reduce the number of indentations to 1 only.

marinedup 10 months | flag | on: excelFormat examples

- Regular percentage with 2 digits: excelFormatPercent = "0.00%"
- Percentage with 6 digits (for example: fillrate display): excelFormatFR = "0.000000%"
- Percentage with 6 digits and plus sign for positive values (for example: fillrate increase display): excelFormatFRIncrease = "+0.000000%;-0.000000%;0%"
- Price in dollars: excelFormatUSD = "[$$-409] #,##0.00"
- Price in dollars (accounting): excelFormatAccountingUSD = "_-\[$$-409]* # ##0.00_ ;_-\[$$-409]* -# ##0.00\ ;_-\[$$-409]* -_ "

marinedup 11 months | flag | on: seriesLegendTooltip


Sets the tooltip of the series (in the legend)

Available in (that I know of):
linechart > series
chart > block > plotxy > series
chart > block > plot > series
chart > block > scatter > series

marinedup 11 months | flag | on: deleted post


Sets the tooltip of the series (in the legend)

*Available in (that I know of):*
linechart > series
chart > block > plotxy > series
chart > block > plot > series
chart > block > scatter > series

marinedup 12 months | flag | on: Stylecode property `booleans`

booleans specifies the boolean rendering values for the boolean pipeline.

table T = with
[| as B |]
[| true |]
[| false |]

show table "" a1h3 with
T.B as "Ja/Nein" { booleans: "Ja/Nein" }
T.B as "Oui/Non" { booleans: "Oui/Non" }
T.B as "✔️/❌" { booleans: "✔️/❌" }
T.B as "True" { booleans: "True" }
T.B as "✔️" { booleans: "✔️" }
T.B as "Tru//e/N//A" { booleans: "Tru//e/N//A" }
T.B as "True///False" { booleans: "True///False" }
T.B as "True/False/Other" { booleans: "True/False/Other" }

marinedup 13 months | flag | on: New date fields for Files table

As of 06/02/2024:
Files.ContentChangeDate, Files.ContentChangeHour and Files.ContentChangeMinute represent the modify datetime (last date when the contents of the file were changed)
Files.AnyChangeDate, Files.AnyChangeHour and Files.AnyChangeMinute represent the change datetime (last date when anything happened to the path, including moving or copying the file)

The former fields Files.ModifiedDate, Files.ModifiedHour and Files.ModifiedMinute are equivalent to Files.AnyChangeDate, Files.AnyChangeHour and Files.AnyChangeMinute and should be decommissioned soon.

marinedup Jan 23, 2024 | flag | on: URL builders to use in dashboards

As of 23/01/2024, filesUrl function is replaced by 2 functions:

/// Returns an URL for the file, identified by the hash, at the provided path in /files, and (if known at compile-time) remembers that said file is referenced by this script.
map fileUrl(hash: text, path: text) : text as "fileurl(txt,txt)"

/// Returns an URL for the folder at the provided path in /files, and (if known at compile-time) remembers that said folder is referenced by this script.
map folderUrl(path: text) : text as "folderurl(txt)"

marinedup Dec 18, 2023 | flag | on: URL builders to use in dashboards

/// Returns its argument as-is. If the path is known at compile-time and points to /files, remembers that said file is referenced by this script.
map downloadUrl(fullpath: text) : text as "downloadurl(txt)"

/// Returns an URL for the file with the provided hash, to be downloaded as the provided name.
map downloadUrl(hash: text, name: text) : text as "downloadurl(txt,txt)"

/// Returns an URL for the folder at the provided path in /files, and (if known at compile-time) remembers that said folder is referenced by this script.
map filesUrl(path: text) : text as "filesurl(txt)"

marinedup Oct 10, 2023 | flag | on: Other functions generating URLs

Other useful functions generating URLs are not listed in this documentation:

sliceUrl(slice: ordinal) -> text, pure function
Produces a link to the specified slice, in the current dashboard

sliceUrl(slice: ordinal, tab: text) -> text, pure function
Produces a link to the specified slice & tab, in the current dashboard

dashUrl() -> text, pure function
Produces an url towards the current project dashboard

dashUrl(tabSearch: text) -> text, pure function
Convert a tab name into an url to be used as a link to a specific dashboard tab in current project dashboard

dashUrl(project: number, tabSearch: text) -> text, pure function
Convert a project id and a tab name into an url to be used as a link to a specific dashboard tab

dashUrl(project: number) -> text, pure function
Convert a project id into an url to be used as a link to a dashboard

currentDashUrl() -> text, pure function
Produces an url towards the current run's dashboard.

marinedup Oct 10, 2023 | flag | on: How to use an URL generated by sliceSearchUrl

"The returned text value that contains an URL can be rendered as a link through the StyleCode element {text: "link"}"
{text: link} is deprecated, {href: #(link)} or {href: #[T.Link]} should be used instead

marinedup Oct 10, 2023 | flag | on: sliceSearchUrl overloads

sliceSearchUrl(sliceSearch: text) 🡒 text, pure function
Convert an inspector name search key into an url to be used as a link to a specific slice in current project dashboard

sliceSearchUrl(project: number, sliceSearch: text) 🡒 text, pure function
Convert a project id and an inspector name search key into an url to be used as a link to a specific dashboard slice

sliceSearchUrl(sliceSearch: text, tabSearch: text) 🡒 text, pure function
Convert an inspector name search key and a tab name into an url to be used as a link to a specific dashboard slice and tab in the current project dashboard

sliceSearchUrl(project: number, sliceSearch: text, tabSearch: text) 🡒 text, pure function
Convert a project id, an inspector name search key and a tab name into an url to be used as a link to a specific dashboard slice and tab

It is possible to have sanity checks in user defined functions and throw an error if the check is not passed.